From The Field
During this pandemic, we have kept our children in the after-school programmes, nightshelter and group homes active through activities given by Toy Bank, a non-profit in Indiathat impacts kids through Play2Learn and Play2Smile programmes. These activitieshelp kids in improving their mental and behavioural well-being and resilience building. Toy Bank’s learning through play is used to …
Isma, one of our change agents in Nalasopara is determination to help the children in her community. She believes in bringing change within oneself which in-turn brings change in the family and in the community around us. This is what being a change agent is all about! Isma saw that some of the children in …
Thoufiya, 18, is one of our young tailoring programme students in Punganur. In her time at Oasis, Thoufiya has shown great interest in helping people. Thoufiya is very passionate about the safety of children. She accompanies children from the after-school programme (ASP) and drops them off at home safely after every session. She also volunteers …
Sangeetha, one of our employment readiness programme students in Bangalore is a great example of using time to its advantage. During the lockdown, Sangeetha learnt to weave doormats from used clothes, sarees and rags. With this new learnt skill, Sangeetha sold some of these mats to her friends and family. In India, we often view …
Philip Devaraj, our Programme Leader – Bangalore and Punganur, writes about the change agents who rose up to the occasion in our Bangalore communities. Covid-19 has affected people from different strata of the society who have suffered loss in many ways. Bangalore, known as the IT capital of India was hit hard. Initially, the government …Learn By Play
Isma’s dream
Learning to be community conscious
Skills to learn and skills to earn
Change Agents & Bangalore