From The Field
I am Chaitra. I completed the 6-month tailoring course at Oasis India and joined a fashion designing course at an institute. I regularly get orders from my neighbours and relatives and the money that I earn from that, helps me in buying provisions for the family every month. During the lockdown, I stitched over 100 …
Lilly has been an enthusiastic trainee in our tailoring programme at Kannagi Nagar, Chennai. She used to be a domestic worker but quit her job to learn tailoring. Lilly is considered to be the most skilled trainee in her batch and has been proactively learning the techniques through online training videos. During the lock down, …
Gowri was one of our first vocational tailoring programme students at Kannagi Nagar, Chennai. She has been very committed to the programme and inspires others to bring a positive change in the community. With her mother being the only bread winner of the family, Gowri had to drop out of school due to financial constraints …
Shakeel Ansari has stayed with his family in Mumbai since leaving his home town for work. He sells flutes and his family lives in a thatched home, in a very unhygienic environment. Our team met him during one of the awareness sessions on education, addiction, and health at the slum where Shakeel stays. He showed …
According to the International Labour Organisation, there are around 12.9 million Indian children engaged in work between the ages of 7 to 17. When children are employed or doing unpaid work, they are less likely to attend school, trapping them in the cycle of poverty. Like millions of those children, Sameer always dreamed of going …A True Change Agent #5
A True Change Agent #4
A True Change Agent #3
A True Change Agent #2
A true change agent