Santosh Bhavan is located in Nallasopara East on Palghar Dist after toll Naka. It is also known as Hawai Pada and more specifically known by locations or lanes in the area. We are currently working in Santhosh Bhavan Nagar. In this area, one of the most poverty-stricken parts is Azad Nagar.
In Azad Nagar, the community of migrants live on a hillock that’s hidden. Their occupation is mainly begging and selling toys. These families live in poor conditions, with barely enough income to have one meal a day. The children in this community lack basic education and are not sent to schools. There are many children who drop out due to poverty or the lack of awareness on education among parents. There is also no safety for children in these communities as they are left unattended and are at high-risk of being trafficked or abused. Many women from the red-light areas have moved into Nalasopara where their children’s education and daily activities are affected. They are often see loitering the community unattended. This is also the case in the other parts of the community. The sanitation here is also an issue to be addressed as the community people suffer with no water supply or bathroom facilities.
By setting up a hub in the center of this communities, we seek to achieve our vision of creating a vibrant, healthy community where people not only expereience transformaton of self but also work towards the transformation of their community. We hope to especially impact the lives of children and make sure they have their right to education and are able to positively contribute to their communities.
Our main activities include:
- After-school Programme
- Informal Education classes
- Basic Computer & IT classes
- Sports – Football & Kabbadi