From Debts to Dreams Fulfilled

“When Oasis India came to our village, they provided me with a female Hampshire piglet and comprehensive livestock management training. This training taught me essential piglet care, nutrition, and maintaining a healthy environment, ensuring the piglets thrived.
I am so thankful for Oasis India’s support, I was able to raise healthy piglets, avoiding premature births and deaths. Financially, I earned enough to repay my debts and improve my living conditions, including plastering my previously dusty mud floor—a long-time dream.
Additionally, I supported my community by passing on a healthy piglet to another beneficiary, – the ripple effect of Oasis India’s training.
Today I am proud to say that Oasis India’s intervention has transformed my life from merely surviving to thriving economically and socially. I am deeply grateful for their invaluable support.”
– Hoineiching, Songpi Village, Manipur