From Child Labourer to Student
Engaging children in factories and workshops for employment is a common sight in Halleguddadhalli, Bangalore. People living here suffer from poverty and low standard of living which leads to child labour. During a community intervention program, our staff met Vivek, a 16-year-old who works to provide for his family.
When Vivek was just four, his father left his family, making his mother the sole breadwinner. Vivek was a regular after-school programme (ASP) student and a bright one too! When his mother fell ill, he had to discontinue school to work. He supports the education of his younger brother with his salary.
Vivek works for long hours in a very non-conducive environment and receives unfair wages. His only getaway is the Oasis football practice every morning. He also attended the life skill sessions during practice which helped him identify the wrong in his community and that child labour is also a problem. He now has decided to continue with his education and complete grade 10. When asked about his dream for life Vivek says, “My mother always says that she wants me to live a happy life and that’s what I want to do.”