Life Gets Better

“I thought I would get married, have children and live a happy life. But life changed”, says Saraswathi. After 12 years of marriage and two children, she found out about her husband’s two year affair. She begged him to take her back but he decided to leave her and their children. Saraswathi battled life every day trying to figure out how to take care of her children.
Like Marge Piercy, an American poet rightly said, “A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done.” Saraswathi wanted to give her children everything that she did not have growing up. With the help of her mother, she joined Oasis India’s 6-month vocational tailoring course and graduated. She now has her own sewing machine and takes orders to stitch blouses and chudidhars. She uses the money for her children’s education and daily expenses. She fought through life’s challenges by learning a skill and making the most of it.