Indhu, a superwoman

Indhumathi, 31, is a superwoman! She takes care of her big family of three children, her husband, her in-laws, and her sister-in-law’s family in Chennai! Indhu wakes up at 5 a.m. and makes sure that everyone has their breakfast and lunch packed for the day. Although she works tirelessly for her family, her efforts are not often appreciated. Indhu wanted to work, but she was not allowed to as she had to take care of the family.
Many women in the communities, like Indhu, toil in the kitchen, not discovering and developing their skills and talents. After a lot of contemplation, she realised the importance of being financially independent. This is when she decided to join the six-month vocational tailoring course at Oasis India.
Indhu did not stop there; she start her own venture, a small tailoring business, and looks forward to creating a mark with her own identity. Indhu wants to provide for her children and herself without being dependent on anyone. She says that she wishes to look back at her journey and see how far she has helped build her family.