Freedom From Abuse

Mallika’s* mother worked as a housekeeper in the red-light area of Mumbai. Their family suffered greatly from poverty. Mallika was married at a very young age of 13. Her husband was unemployed, an alcoholic and was very abusive towards her. At just 14 years of age, Mallika had her first baby and was subjected to abuse by her husband because the first born was a girl. However, she continued to live with him for the next 2 years. When Mallika’s mother found out about the abuse, she brought her daughter back with her. Later, she joined Oasis’ tailoring and beautician course in the drop-in center at Grant Road. Mallika wants to finish her course, go back to her village and start a small tailoring shop there. It took her many years to heal from the pain of the abuse but she wishes that her daughter will have a great life. When a woman is free from violence and discrimination, she can not only have a peaceful life but also create a violence free environment for her children.
*name changed